Friday, June 24, 2011


Have you discovered  
This is are cool little website where you can store pictures and ideas that you find during all your internet surfing.  Its basically a virtual pinboard to keep all your favorite findings.  If you see a picture of something that you want to remember for later you can "pin" it and Pinterest will store it in categories for you.  I've got pictures for house decorating, recipes, and arts and crafts that I think would be useful someday. 
You have to be invited to the website, but all you do is request an invitation and they send email a few days later to let you in.  It's very fun!
Here's a few pictures that I loved on Pinterest:
A colorful chair idea for the space next to our fireplace
Loved this idea for our foyer area
Easy craft idea for some wall art
Yummy snack to bring to a finger foods party
This is just stinkin' The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Keeping the Tradition

Three years of marriage and the dress still fits!  The only uncomfortable part was that my back was a little on the sunburned side...yikes!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today Josh and I celebrate THREE years of marriage! 

I can't imagine spending the last three years with anyone else...Josh is my perfect soul mate and I love him so very much!  Here's a little trip down memory lane in honor of our special day...

Our first "facebook" photo together...Valentine's Day 2007

The super surprise engagement in Paris...September 2007

Engagement photo

Oh happy day...June 21st 2008

First anniversary...2009

Two years of marriage...2010

Tonight I will try and put on my beautiful wedding dress while we watch our wedding video for the June in a row!

I love you Joshua Warren Parks!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


29.  Summer!

30.  A fun surprise for my anniversary/birthday...more on that to come later...

31.  A sister-in-law who shares in my love for Harry Potter (hehe)

32.  My husband who comes home tonight...he was only gone for one night on a business trip, but I sure do miss him

33.  Some pool time with Julia and Kari

34.  Aimee's new job at The Cason Group!!!!!  

35.  Fun books to read this summer

36.  A clean bill of health at the dermatologist

37.  Sunday afternoon at the movies

38.   Sleeping in late

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dr. and Mrs. James Bardoner

This weekend was a blur of wedding festivities in honor of James and Meredith.  We had so much fun celebrating this wonderful couple, meeting new people, and catching up with old friends.  Warning---this post will mostly be a picture post to highlight some of the great fun we had!
The Rehearsal
The Ceremony
Seeing his bride for the first time
Dr. and Mrs. James Bardoner
The Reception
Good times with some GREAT friends...
We both had on some stellar shoes...but they just couldn't make it through the reception...too bad!
Dancing the night away
Congrats James and Meredith...we loved sharing this special day with you!
The anniversary of our special day is just around the corner
I have one good-looking husband!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love weddings!

One of J's best friends is getting married this weekend and I'm so excited.  I'm excited for James and Meredith and the journey they are starting and I'm excited to go to a wedding.  My absolute favorite part of a wedding is watching the groom's face when the doors open and the bride starts walking down the aisle.  I just love seeing that big grin on his face, and sometimes a tear, when he first lays eyes his beautiful bride.

Every time I go to a wedding I can't help but think back on my own magical weekend in June of 2008.  Tonight is Thursday and right now, downstairs, I can hear the voices of a room full of guys celebrating James.  On the Thursday before my wedding I had my three best girls in town.  We stayed up late reminiscing about the past and talking about the future and how much our lives had changed since college. It was such an amazing weekend full of family, friends, and lots of fun!  I am happy where I am in life now and wouldn't change anything, but I do love thinking back on my wedding weekend and what a wonderful time it was in my life!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Dentist

Oh the dentist...I have a love/hate relationship with him!  I love the feeling of smooth clean teeth when you leave but hate all the poking, prodding, and scraping you have to endure while there.  I feel silly every February when dental health month rolls around and I tell my students how wonderful it is to go to the dentist.  How you shouldn't be scared of going because he is friendly and just wants to help you keep your teeth clean and shiny.  BUT...I hate going!  There's just something about sitting there with your mouth open wide answering the hygienist with strange throaty sounds when she insists on talking and asking your questions.  (Seriously-how do you expect me to answer when you have three different tools in my mouth?)

Last June I went to the dentist for the first time in three years!  I just knew that I was going to have a mouth full of cavities.  Now don't get me wrong...I brush twice a day and sometimes three, but the fact that I hadn't been in so long was making me nervous.  As luck would have it I came out with a clean bill of health.  Today I went back for my annual visit (every six months is just too much for me to handle) and wouldn't you know I am still cavity free!  The hygienist said I just have really great teeth.  My gums on the other hand could use a little help.  She convinced my to spend some money on a special "sonic" toothbrush.  She said it was my best option if I want to stay away from gum disease. (that and flossing *shudder*) I figure if I splurge a little now on a fancy toothbrush I can save thousands later by not visiting the periodontist.

Here is the new addition to our bathroom 
So now thanks to my fancy new toothbrush, some floss, and Listerine I hope to have another 28+ years with a clean and happy mouth!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kick Off to Summer

We had the best start to our summer...a weekend at the beach!  Our good friends stayed in a condo at Isle of Palms for a week and invited us to join them for the weekend.  We had such a good weekend just hanging out and enjoying each others company. 

The Kimrey's have the sweetest, craziest little girls!  These girly-girls are just too much fun!  We had a little funny photo shoot when we first arrived at the condo.
This pic of KD is my favorite!
Saturday morning we got up and headed out to the beach.  Their condo was super was a straight walk from the condo out to the ocean.  We never once had to get in the car and drive anywhere!
Who wouldn't love a view like this!
The guys played several rounds of bocce ball...
and I enjoyed reading and getting some sun!

Thanks Kimreys for an awesome weekend!!!