Monday, September 5, 2011

The new toy

Yesterday was my 29th birthday.  There I said it...I'm 29.  One year away from the dreaded 30, although I have already decided that I'm not going to celebrate next year and stay in my "late twenties" for the rest of my life.

 I did however get an AMAZING 29th birthday present...J gave me a brand new camera!!!  I have always loved photography (if you saw the amount of pictures I have on my camera that don't make it to the blog, you would know).  Here is a quick progression of my cameras from the last 10 years...

My very first camera (that wasn't a disposable Kodak)

Dad gave me this fully manual film camera when I was taking a photography class in high school.  It was his camera back before I was even born (old I know!).  I learned how put film on the roll without looking, use manual features, and develop film and print picture in a dark room.

The Minolta

It still has film in it from who knows when!?

I took this camera with me to college.  At the time, this camera was the biggest purchase I had ever made.  My parents gave me the extra lens for Christmas one year.  This camera was my pride and joy!  I used to say that I wanted a house with my very own dark room so I could develop all my own pictures and prints...then film became obsolete.  :(

Moving to digital

It still has the first picture J and I have took together
The Christmas after I graduated my parents gave me a digital camera.  I was so excited to finally be able to load pictures to computer without paying extra money to have my film pictures added to a cd.


Josh gave me this camera about three years ago.  It has been a great camera!  I carry it in my purse wherever I go just in case a Kodak moment arises.  Its the perfect point-and-shoot camera.

But now...
I am the proud owner of a Nikon D5100

(the above two photos were taken with my "other" camera...aka iPhone)

This camera is just flat-out amazing!  I was completely shocked when I opened it!  I kinda thought I was getting a Kindle...but no complaint here!  I can't wait to start taking pictures of everything!  So just be warned...I might step up the blogging now!  :)


  1. ryan just surprised me with the same camera! love it!

  2. I'm really excited to try it won't be long before everyone is like "oh no, she pulled out the camera AGAIN!"

  3. Yay!! Good job, Josh! What a perfect gift for you!!
