Sunday, September 25, 2011

Carolina vs. Vanderbilt

It was a great weekend for some Carolina football!  Although it did start out a little rainy, the sun eventually came out and with it the sticky humid air of the south.
The Parks and the Rawlins really know how to tailgate...we had everything from snack food, dinner food, and dessert food to a tv, satellite dish, cornhole boards, and even a fan to keep us cool!
We spent some time watching the Clemson game...
but mostly we just sat around and ate!
All the girls decked out in our Carolina colors!
Jeremy looking very much like Captain Jack Sparrow with his compass trying to  find the perfect direction for the satellite dish.
Go Gamecocks!!
We missed you Josh!!  
(he was at the wedding of a college friend in Albany, NY)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sister night IN

Aimée came over last night for a little girls night in complete with frozen Publix Greenwise pizza and Two Buck Chuck!
Thanks Erica for the glasses!
Then sister watched Mad Men and I wrote a paper...such is life!

BUT now...we she is baking pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and getting ready for tailgating and Gamecock football!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lake Murray Adventure August we attempted a vacation to the beach for a little fun in the sun, but Hurricane Irene had other plans.  We still had loads of fun without basking in the sunlight.

Saturday we attempted a lake day, but yet again, the weather had other plans...AND just like the beach, we still had a lot of fun even though it was cloudy and chilly.

Rick rented a "party barge" for day on Lake Murray.  The guy at the marina gave us all the info we needed and sent us on our way.  It was a bit chilly but with the promise of somewhat sunny skies and a high of 72 degrees.

We sailed around until it was time for a bathroom break so we headed to the Wells house.

 By now it was around noon but the wind had not died down so we found a cove to anchor in while we ate our lunch.  At first we thought we would just pull up to the shore, but for whatever reason that didn't work so Jeremy jumped in to give us a push out to "sea."

We had so much food on that boat, I'm surprised we didn't sink!  In fact J and I will be eating lake day leftovers for the remainder of the week.

After another bathroom stop at the Wells house it was time to head home...

but by this point everyone started to get a little silly.

Such a fun day!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Saturday I babysat for the most precious kiddos

I wish I could say they were my nieces and nephew

Who wouldn't want to kiss those sweet cheeks?

I love these Kimrey kids!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dinner by Aimee

My sister invited us over for dinner
always with closed eyes

She fried okra for the first time

It was super delicious

Thanks Aim!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fluffy Pup

Goodbye fluffy pup...

Hello Lorelai!  
I knew you were somewhere beneath all that fur.